India’s space agency, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), is embarking on an ambitious mission called Gaganyaan, which aims to send Indian astronauts into space. This significant endeavour will mark India’s entry into the elite club of nations capable of human spaceflight. Let’s delve into the details of this remarkable mission.
The Gaganyaan Mission: An Overview
Objective: The Gaganyaan mission aims to send a team of astronauts into space, orbiting 400 kilometers above Earth for a three-day mission, and safely return them by landing in the Indian Ocean.
Key Elements:
Developing critical technologies, including a safe launch vehicle, life support systems, crew escape mechanisms, and plans for training, recovery, and medical care.
Demonstrating the indigenous capability for human spaceflight.
Investment: The project has been developed with an investment of $1 billion.
Significance: If successful, India will become the fourth nation to achieve human spaceflight capability, following Russia, the US, and China.
Gaganyaan Spacecraft & Launch Vehicle
Launch Vehicle: The renowned Indian LVM3 rocket, previously used for the Chandrayaan-3 mission, will serve as the launch vehicle for Gaganyaan. It comprises solid, liquid, and cryogenic stages.
Human Rated LVM3 (HLVM3): The well proven and reliable heavy lift launcher of ISRO, is identified as the launch vehicle for Gaganyaan mission. It consists of solid stage, liquid stage and cryogenic stage. All systems in LVM3 launch vehicle are re-configured to meet human rating requirements and christened Human Rated LVM3. HLVM3 will be capable of launching the Orbital Module to an intended Low Earth Orbit of 400 km.
HLVM3 consists of Crew Escape System (CES) powered by a set of quick acting, high burn rate solid motors which ensures that Crew Module along with crew is taken to a safe distance in case of any emergency either at launch pad or during ascent phase.
Training for Astronauts
The selected astronauts, all from the Indian Air Force, undergo rigorous training, including:
Simulator Training: To familiarise themselves with spacecraft operations.
Water Survival Test Facility: To prepare for water landings.
Emergency Procedures: In case of malfunctions during the mission.
Milestones achieved so far
Precursor Missions: Gaganyaan-1
Precursor missions such as Gaganyaan-1 will demonstrate the levels of technology preparedness before the manned mission. The unmanned mission will carry an unpressurised crew module — the capsule in which the astronauts will be seated during the human flight — to space and back.
The Gaganyaan-1 mission’s crew module will not have the Environment Control and Life Support System, which ensures an Earth-like environment inside the module. ISRO is currently developing and testing the various components of the system at its labs.
“It (Gaganyaan-1) will mainly test the safe re-entry of the crew module and proper orientation of the module when it splashes down in the sea,”
Role of Drogue Chutes
Safety Mechanism: Drogue chutes slow down the descent of the crew module during re-entry.
Critical for Safe Landing: They ensure a controlled descent and prevent excessive g-forces on astronauts.
Challenges in Developing a Human-Rated Launch Vehicle
Reliability: Ensuring the safety of human lives during launch and re-entry.
Precision: Meeting stringent requirements for crew comfort and safety.
Redundancy: Backup systems to handle emergencies.
Comparison with Other Human Spaceflight Missions
Unique Features: Gaganyaan combines affordability, indigenous technology, and a short duration mission.
Global Recognition: India’s entry into human spaceflight will enhance its global standing in space exploration.
ISRO’s Notable Achievements
Chandrayaan-3: Successful soft landing on the lunar south pole.
GSLV Mk III: India’s heavy-lift launch vehicle.
Mars Orbiter Mission (Mangalyaan): India’s first interplanetary mission.
Mains Questions for UPSC CSE Preparation
What are the key objectives of the Gaganyaan mission, and how does it compare to other human spaceflight programs globally?
Explain the role of drogue chutes in ensuring a safe landing during re-entry.
Discuss the challenges faced in developing a human-rated launch vehicle.
How does ISRO’s LVM3 rocket compare to other launch vehicles?
Highlight some notable achievements of ISRO in space exploration.
Remember, Gaganyaan represents India’s giant leap toward the stars, and its success will inspire generations of space enthusiasts and scientists.